About Fishing Tackle Retailer

For more than 35 years, Fishing Tackle Retailer has been the authoritative Business Magazine of the Sportfishing industry in the United States. Simply put, no one knows more about the American fishing tackle trade than FTR. Our staff utilizes more than 200 years of combined history in the fishing tackle industry to inform, educate, and assist tackle stores from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific coast, and nearly every lake, river, and stream in between.

Fishing Tackle Retailer is a proud member of the American Sportfishing Association, a proud sponsor of the annual New Product Showcase at ICAST, and a proud partner of independent business owners in all 50 states.

FTR Decode is the marketing arm of Fishing Tackle Retailer, established specifically to help small businesses meet the modern challenges of retail. By combining old school know how and elbow grease with the most modern marketing technologies on the planet, we give your business a leg up on competitors in all shapes and sizes.